Tuesday, 29 September 2009


The EU force us to take immigrants, there is nothing we can do about it,
immigrants enrich our country, ok lets do the maths,

100 immigrants bring over (not sure on the limit to dependants that a worker can have, there doesn't seem to be one) let's say 7 family members each = 800 so we have 100 skilled workers and 700 family members

for convenience lets say, each workers family consists of 2 kids and 2 pensioners and 2 aunts/uncles, mothers and or fathers of worker and his spouse.
so for every 100,000 skilled workers we have 700,000 unskilled workers, this seems a very significant number of unskilled labour, now these 700,000 unskilled workers have children too, not the pensioners but the children now the 200,000 children get married have children lets say 2 again that's another 400,000, aunts and uncles marry too and have 2 kids each thats another 400,000, so we have potentially unskilled workers within the first generation 1,500,000

so in 16 years we will have 100,000 workers 1,500,000 unskilled workers (are there university places available for these new British immigrants), lets say 100,000 new workers come in each year so 16 x 1,500,000 = 24,00,000 seems a bit high so lets halve it 12,000,000 this is a not too unreasonable assumption of the results of immigration on population growth. Factor in another 2,000,000 illegals and 10,000,000 asylum seekers and their families, then you have a very significant number 24,000,000 added to the population, of which 1,600,000 are workers.

this is just a simple understanding of immigration other variables come into this, i.e. the number. of dependants is not known, people lose their jobs and go home, but not very many.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Conspiracy Theory

Have our top brass had the wool pulled over their eyes, or will our armed forces meld into the UN's Disaster Prevention Army, with a few fat and wealthy decorated Generals, all that is left of the once great British Army ?

The pieces have been placed, the next move is crucial, the army is off in a foreign land, the new Emperor in waiting awaits his coronation, the international trade federation (G20) is meeting to discuss which Nation to fleece next, and how long can they get away with it. Their use of the Muslim boot boys is wearing a bit thin, and their taxation of the once great countries is inflaming the populace.

the 5 new players in the great game of chaos, USA, USSR, EU, INDIA, CHINA, are readying to divide up the apple on which they rule. Most if not all of the fanatical Muslims are in Pakistan/Afghanistan Training new recruits on the remnants of the once great army of Brits, with one surgical campaign, the head of Islam would be Severed, and the oil problem would be solved for another century at least. Once Pakistan has fallen, Iran, Libya and all the N African states would follow if not by force then by capitulation.

What you may wonder what will happen at home when news of this reaches the sons of Islam, scattered through out Europe and the USA, well I'm afraid to say it will be up to the locals to put them down. The phrase " Blood on the streets" springs to mind again.
Things are taking shape look at this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/8390947.stm

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Legacy of The Village idiot

The current story line in the Daily mail special report is absorbing reading,

Education, education, education.... what he meant was we'll help turn your children into IDIOTS and duffers, so we can get them to do exactly what we want them to do. It's just staggering how many children are falling below standards in reading and writing, this worried me so much i went out and bought some books for my grand daughters to read, with me helping them i might add. I've also made them a multiplication table each, which is a must have for children learning their times tables. I will not believe that it is lack of parental help that fails these children, i do believe that the university studying mentality is wrong, what i mean by this is you have a lecture then it's up to you to complete set work. Little children need to learn how to concentrate so the eyes of all pupils should be facing the teacher, not in groups like in the article, when i was at primary school we all lined up to go into class, two rows one of boys and one of girls. Our headmaster was a giant of a man whose face went purple when he was angry and boy did he get angry, but it made the children fear having to go see him, this guy would be out of a job today I'm sure. More must be done to help these kids, and a total overhaul of education is needed, with an emphasis on discipline and manners, the power needs to be handed back to the teacher, and schools must have a strong headmaster. Performance targets and tables should be ripped up and pupils should be taught subjects relevant to the areas needs, eg in an industrial town or city after reading, writing and mathematics i would teach science, IT and the crafts, in a border city or town i'd teach languages, commerce and business studies, this would return us to a diverse culture and the dependence of all towns and cities on one another.
The need to migrate from place to place to better ones financial position is in my opinion disgusting, greed is one of the seven deadly sins, and it ruins towns by the hundreds.

I have 3 questions for now:

Why do people always want to move away from the town they were born in?

What has happened to the communty spirit?

Will it ever come back?