Monday, 18 October 2010

Business is clogged up

Here's a letter from a reader of the Daily mail.

A LOT of unemployment in our old heavy industry areas is due to a phenomenon my late father warned me about 'Clogs to clogs in three generations'.
A successful enterprise is begun by a tradesman and inherited by his children, but is then steadily run down-hill by their offspring, many of whom have never worked in their lives.
I've seen it first hand. A successful business was strangled by people who tried to maximise their income - or they'd have to get jobs.
I worked there when the last surviving partner and his nephew were holding the fort with a bare majority of shares.
Eventually, mortality took that partner and the company was sold to its biggest competitor just to keep a lazy few in a style they refused to work to maintain. Can anyone be surprised that the workers - people who really had to struggle to live at all, in substandard everyhing, including education - took the 'welfare' option when they were cast upon life's scrapheap ?
Incompetent British management took everything to enable inheritors of shares to live the life of Riley while the company went downhill until it could no longersell its products at an economic price.
Most of the plant was basically scrap. We now have to re-motivate these people and their offspring. It's a bit late for some, but it's time we relearned what our people can do. We must educate the youngsters who can 'kick a ball around' or 'win at computer games' that a career in these fields is unlikely.
It doesn't help that New Labour's 'education,education, education' produced thousands of unemployable 'graduates' with pointless degrees, most of whom seem to be highly qualified ushers for the 2012 Olympics.
We need our feet properly grounded. UK plc needs to train a full quota of skilled people to ensure our industries and businesses are the best manned in the world.
Importing skills is a poor second best. Businesses should be made to compensate those whose skilled workers they take.
(reader from West Yorks.)

This letter impressed me so much i had to reproduce it and share it with you.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Alliance of European Nationalist Movements

Specializing in two particular things. 1 - The might of the power of technology and media to induce enthusiasm amongst a tired, and brow-beaten western world. 2 - A political force to oppose the European Union's increasing dictatorial power, and insane agenda to include countries like Turkey in it's ugly plan to mongrelise indigenous western European people.

Nationalists of Malta

An Imperium based on that of the Holy Roman Empire, with a central authority, embodying both the Political and the Spiritual. A centre, to which all the White World will refer and relate to. A hub, whereby all parts of the Empire would feel organically whole, while retaining the specific peculiarity of each region.
FACT or FICTION you decide ??

Sunday, 10 October 2010

An Email I recieved lately

When you’re lying alone in your Afghan bivvy,
And your life it depends on some MOD civvie
When the body armour’s shared (one set between three),
And the firefight’s not like it is on TV,
Then you’ll look to your oppo, your gun and your God,
As you follow that path all Tommies have trod.

When the gimpy has jammed and you’re down to one round,
And the faith that you’d lost is suddenly found.
When the Taliban horde is close up to the fort,
And you pray that the arty don’t drop a round short.
Stick to your sergeant like a good squaddie should,
And fight them like satan or one of his brood

Your pay it won’t cover your needs or your wants,
So just stand there and take all the Taliban’s taunts
Nor generals nor civvies can do aught to amend it,
Except make sure you’re kept in a place you can’t spend it.
Three fifty an hour in your Afghani cage,
Not nearly as much as the minimum wage.

Your missus at home in a foul married quarter
With damp on the walls and a roof leaking water
Your kids miss their mate, their hero, their dad;
They’re missing the childhood that they should have had
One day it will be different, one day by and by,
As you all stand there and watch, to see the pigs fly

Just like your forebears in mud, dust and ditch,
You’ll march and you’ll fight, and you’ll drink and you’ll bitch
Whether Froggy or Zulu, or Jerry, or Boer
The Brits will fight on ‘til the battle is o’er.
You may treat him like dirt, but nowt will unnerve him
But I wonder sometimes, if the country deserves him?


Hat Tip SM