Monday, 18 October 2010

Business is clogged up

Here's a letter from a reader of the Daily mail.

A LOT of unemployment in our old heavy industry areas is due to a phenomenon my late father warned me about 'Clogs to clogs in three generations'.
A successful enterprise is begun by a tradesman and inherited by his children, but is then steadily run down-hill by their offspring, many of whom have never worked in their lives.
I've seen it first hand. A successful business was strangled by people who tried to maximise their income - or they'd have to get jobs.
I worked there when the last surviving partner and his nephew were holding the fort with a bare majority of shares.
Eventually, mortality took that partner and the company was sold to its biggest competitor just to keep a lazy few in a style they refused to work to maintain. Can anyone be surprised that the workers - people who really had to struggle to live at all, in substandard everyhing, including education - took the 'welfare' option when they were cast upon life's scrapheap ?
Incompetent British management took everything to enable inheritors of shares to live the life of Riley while the company went downhill until it could no longersell its products at an economic price.
Most of the plant was basically scrap. We now have to re-motivate these people and their offspring. It's a bit late for some, but it's time we relearned what our people can do. We must educate the youngsters who can 'kick a ball around' or 'win at computer games' that a career in these fields is unlikely.
It doesn't help that New Labour's 'education,education, education' produced thousands of unemployable 'graduates' with pointless degrees, most of whom seem to be highly qualified ushers for the 2012 Olympics.
We need our feet properly grounded. UK plc needs to train a full quota of skilled people to ensure our industries and businesses are the best manned in the world.
Importing skills is a poor second best. Businesses should be made to compensate those whose skilled workers they take.
(reader from West Yorks.)

This letter impressed me so much i had to reproduce it and share it with you.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Alliance of European Nationalist Movements

Specializing in two particular things. 1 - The might of the power of technology and media to induce enthusiasm amongst a tired, and brow-beaten western world. 2 - A political force to oppose the European Union's increasing dictatorial power, and insane agenda to include countries like Turkey in it's ugly plan to mongrelise indigenous western European people.

Nationalists of Malta

An Imperium based on that of the Holy Roman Empire, with a central authority, embodying both the Political and the Spiritual. A centre, to which all the White World will refer and relate to. A hub, whereby all parts of the Empire would feel organically whole, while retaining the specific peculiarity of each region.
FACT or FICTION you decide ??

Sunday, 10 October 2010

An Email I recieved lately

When you’re lying alone in your Afghan bivvy,
And your life it depends on some MOD civvie
When the body armour’s shared (one set between three),
And the firefight’s not like it is on TV,
Then you’ll look to your oppo, your gun and your God,
As you follow that path all Tommies have trod.

When the gimpy has jammed and you’re down to one round,
And the faith that you’d lost is suddenly found.
When the Taliban horde is close up to the fort,
And you pray that the arty don’t drop a round short.
Stick to your sergeant like a good squaddie should,
And fight them like satan or one of his brood

Your pay it won’t cover your needs or your wants,
So just stand there and take all the Taliban’s taunts
Nor generals nor civvies can do aught to amend it,
Except make sure you’re kept in a place you can’t spend it.
Three fifty an hour in your Afghani cage,
Not nearly as much as the minimum wage.

Your missus at home in a foul married quarter
With damp on the walls and a roof leaking water
Your kids miss their mate, their hero, their dad;
They’re missing the childhood that they should have had
One day it will be different, one day by and by,
As you all stand there and watch, to see the pigs fly

Just like your forebears in mud, dust and ditch,
You’ll march and you’ll fight, and you’ll drink and you’ll bitch
Whether Froggy or Zulu, or Jerry, or Boer
The Brits will fight on ‘til the battle is o’er.
You may treat him like dirt, but nowt will unnerve him
But I wonder sometimes, if the country deserves him?


Hat Tip SM

Saturday, 25 September 2010



by Dr Aidan Rankin

When I hear the word 'fascist', I do not think of the assorted pub bores or the few full-blooded bigots who are the stereotypical activists of the 'far right'. Nor do I think of half-drunk, testosterone-driven skinheads in tight-fitting jeans or combat trousers, bawling out anti-immigrant slogans richly spiced with obscenity. Least of all do I think of the thousands of disgruntled Labour supporters, ordinary men and women in working class enclaves, who have given the British National Party its newfound electoral clout. None of these people are fascists, in any meaningful sense of the word. They are victims rather than aggressors - victims of failed liberal social experiments, heartless economic programmes and, above all perhaps, of betrayal by a Labour movement that was set up specifically to defend them.

The left, and many bien pensant liberals and Tories with them, would like us to visualise fascists as aggrieved, poorly educated working class whites - white males in particular, since they are a double negative for the Politically Correct. Such progressives (as they invariably call themselves) use accusations of racism and fascism as excuses to bully and oppress impoverished white communities and isolate them in racially based ghettos. For white liberals, anti-racism becomes a form of auto-racism, directed at members of their own race who are deemed to be socially inferior. It is, in other words, a new type of snobbery and social exclusion. Likewise, the true heirs to fascism are not skinheads, bigots, or BNP-voting former socialists. They are the BNP's sworn enemies, the 'anti-fascist' shock troops of the left, whose slogans of contrived defiance, melodramatic gesture politics and emotional blackmail reach far beyond the Marxist coteries where they originate.

At Burnley, where the BNP made its strongest local government gains this year, the paradox of anti-fascism was apparent in a demonstration by the Anti-Nazi League, images of which were widely disseminated in the press. Piously anti-racist and inclusive, the protesters were overwhelmingly white and middle-class. Proclaiming the virtues of tolerance, their eyes shone with the purity of hatred that is the prerogative of extremists the world over. In that almost archetypal left-wing demo, the chants and clenched fists of the scruffy young men, the screams and hot tears of the even scruffier women, the banners calling for political parties to be suppressed (in the name of tolerance, presumably) expressed something larger than a Lancastrian quirk. For anti-fascists base their campaigns on a sense of outrage that anyone, anywhere should dare to disagree with them. In their appeal to feeling over reason, force over argument, such activists resemble most those phantom Nazis they are claiming to 'fight'. This is why, in a stroke of post-modern irony, anti-fascism is the new fascism.

There is, in British - and especially English - political culture, a rich vein of sentimental radicalism, to which anti-fascist slogans appeal. It is from this section of politics and society that anti-fascist campaigners derive emotional (and, crucially, financial) support. Unlike working class communities, they do not see the violent, arrogant face of anti-fascism, any more than most of Germany's Mittelstand witnessed directly the violence of the Brownshirts. This strand of radical thought, ironically, has its origins in the imperial epoch, amongst a burgeoning middle class influenced strongly by evangelical Christianity, which believed that it had a duty to 'save' benighted natives. The missionary impulse usually placed concern for the Empire's subject peoples, and their material or spiritual well-being, well above concern for the indigenous working class. Typical of such philanthropists is Mrs Jellyby in Dickens's Bleak House, whose eyes 'had a curious habit of looking seeming to look a long way off, as if they could see nothing nearer than Africa'. Like many a modern liberal, Mrs Jellyby neglected those around her, including notoriously her own children. Her thoughts were directed instead towards the (fictitious) African possession of Borrioboola Gha and her idealistic plans for its 'development'.

The world of Non-Governmental Organisations is replete with Mrs or 'Ms' Jellybys. But in a post-colonial age, the phenomenon of immigration has brought their concerns closer to home. Today's Ms Jellyby is just as likely to work for the race relations unit of a local authority as for a Third World NGO. For 'ethnic minority communities' have become the new Borrioboola Gha. They are to be patronisingly helped and pitied, even given special rights, but their members are not to be treated as individuals and the reality of their cultures is to be ignored or scorned. As the white liberal person's burden, the black or brown skinned citizen is supported as long as he reads from a Politically Correct script and shows gratitude and obeisance to those pressure groups that 'care' about him. It is into this Jellyby Syndrome, a legacy of the missionary age, that anti-fascist groupings successfully tap. Guilt-ridden liberals confuse the violent cant of anti-fascism with humanitarian concern, much as the violent cant of fascism was once confused with appeals to tradition and order.

But the missionary impulse does not end with ethnic minorities. In anti-fascist campaigns, there are vestiges of earlier evangelical missions, aimed at the indigenous population, with a view to controlling and pacifying it. Working class communities are treated by anti-fascists, and their liberal apologists, as benighted white tribes to be civilised and subdued. The evangelical fervour present in anti-fascism accounts for the lachrymose quality of its activists, whose tearful appeals are often a prelude to acts of violence or demands for censorship. This is a characteristic they share with fascists, who were the most emotional and least reasoning of political campaigners. Like evangelical temperance campaigners of a bygone age, anti-fascists appear to be trying to save working class people from themselves. Their particualrism, expressed through opposition to large-scale immigration, is labelled as 'racism' and treated as a new form of vice. Their patriotic gut instincts, and their wish to preserve the traditional character of their neighbourhoods, are dismissed as ignorant prejudices, from which white working class men and women must be emancipated just as their forebears were emancipated from drink.

Like evangelicals, anti-fascists seek to liberate by a combination of moral pressure and legal force. Anti-fascism is, however, a radical secular ideology that allows no possibility of repentance or absolution. The evangelical Protestants who joined temperance or anti-vice campaigns were often oppressive and insensitive, but their zeal was frequently held in check by a concern for individual souls. Anti-fascists, by contrast, have no such concerns. They seek to save communities, by changing their collective consciousness or forcing them to conform. Their ideology allows for no concern for individuals, except for attack or denunciation. This contempt for the individual, the white, male worker in particular, allows the anti-fascist to reconcile two contradictory demands - for civil disobedience (including violence) and for the massive extension of state power.

Anti-fascist propaganda makes frequent address to the history and mythology of the left, to which the movement volubly lays claim. Searchlight, anti-fascism's house journal, make frequent reference to the Spanish Civil War, carrying photographs of heroic resistance fighters and carrying interviews with stalwarts of the International Brigade, now elderly and impressive. Other photographs evoke the memory of 'The Battle of Cable Street' and similar events where in the 1930s when working class Jewish communities stood up to the Blackshirt followers of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. There is in these images an explicit and false assumption of continuity. It is false because in both the Spanish Civil War and Cable Street, a high level of working class self-organisation was involved, and with it a genuine aspiration towards a just society.

Searchlight, by contrast, bases most of its activities on accusation, smear and incitement to hatred - often class hatred directed at working class racists. This was not always so. Its founder, Maurice Ludmer, was a thoughtful ex-Communist Party member for whom the education of working class communities was important, and who believed in freedom and dignity for individuals of all backgrounds. Anti-fascist campaigners today, including Searchlight, refuse to concede to their opponents - especially working class opponents - any sense of human dignity. Working class racists are described routinely as scum or products of the sewer, in a curious echo of the Nazis' twisted denunciations of Jews and other 'enemies' of the Volk. Searchlight still, on occasion, carries intelligent, thoughtful commentaries, especially on events abroad, but in its refusal to compromise with or attempt to win over its opponents, it perpetuates conflicts of a social and racial character.

This latter attribute it shares with the Anti-Nazi League, which is far more explicit in its advocacy of violence and its hatred of the white working class. At one level, the ANL sets itself up as a secular missionary organisation for anti-fascism. At another, its overwhelmingly bourgeois or petty bourgeois activists set out to create an atmosphere of intimidation and violence when they descend on areas such as Burnley. Like a fascist movement, the ANL is explicitly committed to the abolition of free speech. Its activities make it the heir less of the Cable Street battlers and more of the BUF interlopers. Like the Blackshirts, ANL protesters assume the 'right' to descend on working class areas, threaten and harass their inhabitants, incite and engage in violence.

The Anti-Nazi League is linked intimately to the Socialist Workers Party, the best known and most aggressive far left faction in British politics since the demise of orthodox Communism. Unlike the Communist Party, the SWP is opposed to the parliamentary road to socialism and advocates violent revolution. The SWP worldview regards all existing political institutions as outgrowths of 'capitalism'. Neither capitalism itself, nor its institutions, can be 'patched up' or 'reformed'. The party's struggle, therefore, is as much against 'reformist ideas and leaders' as against the capitalist economy:

The state machine is a weapon of capitalist class rule and therefore must be smashed. The present parliament, army, police and judges cannot simply be taken over and used by the working class. There is, therefore, no parliamentary road to socialism.

This rhetoric of class warfare disguises a critique of parliamentary rule identical to that of the Italian Squadristi, Mussolini's foot soldiers who closed the Italian parliament and installed a fascist state. To Mussolini, parliamentary rule was so corrupt - and, indeed, 'bourgeois', that it could not be patched up. The fascist ideal of the Corporate State was based on representation by trade. This policy finds strong echoes in the SWP, which seeks to replace Parliament with a series of 'workers councils'. It also resembles the modern anti-fascist obsession with group rights, whereby racial minorities (and all 'oppressed communities') are represented collectively by activist pressure groups that claim to speak for them. Whilst resembling fascist politics, the SWP's position differs dramatically from that of Marx, who especially in his later years strongly favoured the parliamentary road. Even Lenin, who was always a pragmatist, believed in the use of any expedient institutions, including parliaments. In ultra-left groupuscles he saw only an 'infantile disorder'.

Another far left faction that has had a seminal influence on the anti-fascist movement is the International Marxist Group (IMG), whose luminaries included Tariq Ali. Long defunct now, the IMG played an important role in the student agitation and violent demonstrations of the late 1960s, many of which called to mind the behaviour of young Stormtroopers in the colleges of Weimar Germany. Crucially, the IMG rejected the white working class as hopelessly reactionary and saw the new revolutionary elite as students, ethnic minorities and feminist women. The ideology and tactics and ideology of anti-fascism today owe much to the IMG's profoundly anti-working class and anti-white prejudices.

These far left groups have based their politics on interpretations of Trotsky's 'permanent revolution', a purist doctrine of continual change akin to that of Mao's Cultural Revolution - and Hitler's Third Reich. To the Fuhrer, the Nazi 'revolutionary creative will' had 'no fixed aim, … no permanency, only eternal change'. On the left, anti-fascism has risen to prominence at precisely the time when socialism lacks permanency and continuity, whether as an ideal or a practical programme. In their strident emotionalism and ritualistic denunciation of opponents, anti-fascist campaigns act as a substitute for a coherent left-wing ideology. The same was true of fascist movements, which aimed to replace the left by appealing to more basic psychological impulses of fear, envy and hatred.

Anti-fascism shares with its alleged opposite a belief in the cleansing or redemptive power of violence. They share as well an obsessive preoccupation with race. Indeed it could be said that organisations like Searchlight and the ANL do more than even the BNP to keep racial awareness alive. Both fascism and anti-fascism are uncompromisingly modernist movements, concerned with narrow categorisation and so unsuited to a post-modern age of complexity and permutation. Searchlight, for example, was horrified when some Hindu and Sikh community workers refused to be classified alongside Muslims as 'Asians'. Here were ethnic minorities daring to defy the pressure group definitions. In reality, the violence and nihilism of anti-fascist activists are almost laughably remote from the conservatism of most ethnic minority populations.

It is easy, and tempting at times, to dismiss anti-fascism as a peripheral fringe interest, irrelevant to our lives and thoughts. However its crocodile-tear appeals are in some ways more effective than those of the more traditional far left. Anti-fascists claim to be opposing a political evil. In so doing, they evoke memories of that evil and the wrong done to millions of our fellow human beings. Many people of good will, therefore, fail to see that they are being manipulated. This is why ritual denunciations and balkanising 'group rights' are in danger of pervading public life. The subjectivist definition of a racist incident in the MacPherson Report - any incident that the victim or anyone else 'perceives' as racist - has all the totalitarian characteristics of anti-fascism, yet few dare to describe it as totalitarian for fear that they might be smeared as 'racist'. Likewise, the attempts of New Labour apparatchiks to unearth political 'information' about the Paddington rail crash survivors had all the furtive and perverse instincts of a Searchlight campaign. Such influences have touched conservative politics as well. In the interests of inclusiveness, the Tories tend increasingly towards reverse discrimination and group rights, forgetting that many black and Asian people want freedom from racial politics.

Anti-fascism, like its fascist precursor, is primarily anti-human and misanthropic. It despises its supposed constituents as much as its sworn enemies, and has a vested interest in promoting racial conflict. When we recognise that fascists and anti-fascists are as one, their rhetoric of hatred will lose its power.

Aidan Rankin is co-Editor of New European. His book, The Politics of the Forked Tongue: Authoritarian Liberalism was published in 2002 and is available from New European Publications, 14-16 Carroun Road, London SW8 1JT, price £9.

copies of this document may be obtained from

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Sunday, 12 September 2010

The Black Country Autumn Campaign

On Sept 18th The BlackCountry BNP will commence it's Autumn campaign, make no mistake the BNP are going to embark on a new recruitment drive that will eclipse everything that has previously been done.This campaign focusses on the Illegal wars in Afghanistan and our Appeal to

"Support Our Troops - Bring Our Boy's Home".

This campaign will help establish the BNP as the only political party that is opposed to the bloody, unwinnable, futile and illegal war in Afghanistan, a war that is producing a constant stream of British deaths and a war that has nothing whatsoever to do with Britain. It is my wish that every single home in the Black Country get the delivery of some sort of BNP literature over the coming months, so Activists will be needed to help. We will be covering areas like Halesowen, Kingswinford, Dudley, Westbrom and Stourbridge, this is and extremely large catchment area so the current activists have lots of work to do and it's in their best interests to recruit more acticvists in these areas so as to spread out the workload. We are currentley in the process of arranging suitable meeting venues, revisiting past venues and new ones too, in these areas I've mentioned, for the BNP to succeed we must spread the word of our party far and wide, Good luck Ladies and Gentlemen.

Robert Weale (Black Country BNP Organiser)

Saturday, 4 September 2010

A few choice quotations

" War of the unknown warriors"

This is no war of chieftains or princes, of dynasties or national ambition; it is a war of peoples and causes. There are vast numbers, not only in this island but in every land, who will render faithful service in this war but whose names will never be known, whose deeds will never be recorded. This is a war of the Unknown Warriors; but let all strive without failing in faith or duty, and the dark curse of Islam will be lifted from our age.

"Captains of our souls"

The mood of BNP is wisely and rightly averse from every form of shallow or premature exultation. This is no time for boasts or glowing prophecies, but there is this-a year ago our position looked forlorn, and well nigh desperate, to all but our own. Today we may say aloud before an awestruck world, "we are still masters of our fate. We are still captain of our souls."

"Never Give In"

This is the lesson: never give in,never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty-never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yeild to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."


BNP will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Monday, 2 August 2010

A Soldiers Tale

I recently met an old School friend, whom I'd not seen for at least 20 years, apparently he'd been in the army, and done all the tours Germany, NI, Iraq etc. He went on to describe how he's been treated since retiring from the army, bear in mind this guy is no older than 45, when he went to the local job centre and was asked what his last job was he dutifully told them he'd had a career in the army, "what qualifications do you have ?" he was asked, " I'm a qualified small arms instructor" he replied, stony silence greeted his answer. " What are you skilled at ? " was the next question, to which he answered " Umm, instructing soldiers in how to handle small arms".
" Ok, we can send you on a computer course " he was advised.

Makes you wonder what procedures are in place to help our ex army personnel when they leave the army, and at quite a young age too.

This friend of mine went on to describe things about army life that we never hear like how bombs are concealed in cigarette packets, and how LSD's (light Sensative Devices) were used to blow up patrolling vehicles, very nerve wracking stuff I can tell you. He says it makes you paranoid, and this is a feeling amongst soldiers serving today. Hope to have a few more chats with this fellow, I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

The BNP and the Divisionists

I am relatively new to Politics and to the BNP for that matter, and I'm astounded at the reaction from the members after the last Election, Nick Griffin MEP has been honourable in his approach to the members by offering to stand down should a leadership challenge be sought, he has even given members who are not currently voting members the opportunity to make up their own minds about future prospective leaders of the BNP. He has even given new members an opportunity to shine. Nick Griffin admits that our campaign was poor and steps are being taken to rectify this, we must see this machine that Nick Griffin has in mind, and we will judge him on it's merits, in the meantime I would hope we have enough new members to find at least three exeptional candidates who to coin a phrase are " big enough to fill Nick Griffins boots". The current batch of divisionists achieve nothing by slandering and backstabbing, the malcontents who rip into the party do not wish it to progress further, because that is what the BNP is doing it is growing, but it won't if the current party politics continue, funds will be diverted, people will become disillusioned and leave, and people thinking about joining won't because the party is in turmoil. In my opinion if it is worth anything we should ALL continue to have faith with the BNP and the current leadership and strive to do our best, because the life of our Nation is at stake, the lives and culture of our children and their children are at stake. The cards have been put on the table and I would hope that we can all be adult about this and apply ourselves in the manner needed to rule this country, Nick Griffin has shown himself to be honourable, so let's all follow his example.

Friday, 7 May 2010

The Cleaner Than Clean Party

Having fought my first battle in the Political arena, I came to the conclusion that the electorate are not privy to the Political shinanagans in this non-democratic country.
The whole farcicle episode was made clear when 400+ postal votes which were initially at Stourbridge were moved to Dudley, the result of Dudley North is still an issue because of the undemocratic system we now use, this may sound like bad grapes, but I'll tell you this the BNP are now the cleaner than clean party, because the way the media attack our candidates we have to have a completely clean record, if we have a parking ticket they jump on it.

It's time for the media and the Politicians to look at their morals, although this will not happen because they are driven by greed, I predicted last night that this may be the last British election and the NWO is well on it's way to completing it's new slave trade.

Britain will now be the focal point of all immigration, it will increase not decrease, things to remember the people who can't find a job will now lose benefits, the people who lose benefits will become destitute, and desperate so they will take the minimum wage and become part of the new slave trade, those that have mortgages will lose there homes and be forced to rent putting more money into the hands of the new breed of Landlords.

Turkeys voting for xmas, I feel so sad for the people of this country, but i will continue to fight in the name of our fathers, getting the message out and renewing the conviction of all the BNP people.

due to greed and other issues the curren BNP website is closed, please continue to find news about us here

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Comments about BNP

I find it funny ,that the more the powers that be, try to ignore and push them into the background the more pro comments I see.Having taken the time to read the B.N.P. Manifesto it's obvious to anyone that they are the ONLY party to actually listen to the worries and insecurities of the British population and come out and say what they intend doing about it.I have never,not once,ever,heard a direct response from any of the other parties when a question relating to immigration was put to them, digression being the name of the game.Well SKY are you going to print this or do your usual with my comments and bin it?.

Typical Sky, You try and rubbish the B N P by any means possible. After Nick told you that the B N P had identified £200bn. Why didn’t you ask him where these cuts were coming from? Why didn’t you ask him how much the B N P is going to give pensioners? I’ll tell you £150 per week. Why don’t you report the good things in the manifesto which there are many? Because you don’t want the public to know all the good things that the B N P stand for and want to do for the genuine British workers and tax payers of this country. Nick gave an answer which made your reporter look like an idiot. You’re no better than the Daily Mirror sending out hate campaign leaflets.

Posted by: The Heretic on May 1, 2010 11:53 AMWhen asked about immigration, the leaders of the "main 3" didn't have the guts to admit that THEY were at a loss with no idea of the size of the problem, instead they gave pawltry excuses along with a switch on subject............each and every time. Nick Griffin was honest at least and with a little bit of negative tweaking from the media, once again demonised. I shall be voting for the BNP on Thursday (purely in protest) and I have come to this decision as I am not prepared to squander my vote on one of the three main candidates each of whom dare barely utter the word "immigration". If this makes me a bigotted racist then fine by me.

these are just some of the Pro BNP comments I hear everyday, time for some people to wake up and see who tells it how it is.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

There is no housing crisis, only a population crisis

Isn't it great when you find a comment that is better than the original article, here's one from this article which i thought you might like.


Why is it, when there is talk of immigration, we are compared to the USA, the country is huge, we are just a small island, it just does not make sense, it's like comparing us to Russia or China.
In England and Wales there maybe 700,000 empty homes, they have been going up like rabbit hutches, I bet you will find that the magority of these homes are new builds, which I assume have been built for the immigrants.
Last year rates where paid on all unoccupied industrial properties, a lot of people started to demolish the properties rather than be faced with the heafty rate bills, without the ability of making profit, this was highlighted on many programmes, that's why a lot of building work was stopped, because as soon as the roof was put on, the rates then became due on the properties, which halted a lot of building work.
The reason that out of town retail parks are thriving, is due to the rateable value of these properties, a lot of them are classed as warehouses, which means less rates and of course free parking facilities unlike towns.
The rateable value of shops in town are over priced, and with internet shopping it's even more difficult for town shops to compete. Problems should stimulate the human mind, but in which way.

Means testing on your lifestyle, even though you paid into the system, you may not be entitled to medical care.

More fines imposed on parking, seperating your rubbish, deadlines for payments, fines for filling in forms wrong.

Grants made available for anyone that can conclude that CO2 emissions, cause global warming.

We can't afford the rates on a car showroom, so we will turn the forecourt into a hand car wash business, that's forward thinking.

Will the time come, when we have all these empty properties and stalls on the forecourts selling our wares, that's quite an interesting prospect, it's definitely forward thinking, that we will make more money going backwards.

Thanks Lorraine a thoroughly good read.

An Apology

Everyone seems to be apologising for the wrongs forced upon others by EMPIRE.

I thought I'd add my own apology, it's to the British people. I'm sorry I didn't wake up earlier, I'm sorry I did not vote in the last too General Elections, I'm sorry that I've let this government take this country to the brink of disaster, I'm sorry for allowing our children to be used as pawns in the game of Politics, I'm sorry for allowing greedy utility companies to get fat from extortionate prices, I'm sorry for all the PC laws being invented daily, I'm sorry for the fear people feel because they don't feel safe, I'm sorry for the compensation culture, I'm sorry for the mess our incompetent bankers have made of our finances, and I'm sorry that Lynda Waltho is going to lose her Parliamentary seat to me.

Because BNP are the only party to have what is needed to bring this country back from the brink, all the above apologies will be made good if BNP gain power, no more apologising VOTE BNP.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

The Censorship of Enid Blyton

Enid Mary Blyton (11 August 1897 – 28 November 1968) was a British children's writer known as both Enid Blyton and Mary Pollock. She was one of the most successful children's storytellers of the twentieth century.

"Blyton bans"

It was frequently reported (in the 1950s and also from the 1980s onwards) that various children's libraries removed some of Blyton's works from the shelves. The history of such "Blyton bans" is confused. Some librarians certainly at times felt that Blyton's restricted use of language, a conscious product of her teaching background, militated against appreciation of more literary qualities.

The books are very much of their time, particularly the titles published in the 1950s. They present the UK's class system — that is to say, "rough" versus "decent". Many of Blyton's children's books similarly reflected negative stereotypes regarding gender, race, and class.

The most startling incidence of this type of material to a modern audience might be the use of a phrase like "black as a nigger with soot" appearing in Five Go off to Camp. At the time, "Negro" was the standard formal term and "nigger" a relatively common colloquialism. This is one of the most obvious targets for alteration in modern reprints, along with the replacement of golliwogs with teddy bears or goblins. Some of these responses by publishers to contemporary attitudes on racial stereotypes has itself drawn criticism from those adults who view it as tampering with an important piece of the history of children's literature.

Similarly, some have suggested the depictions of boys and girls in her books was sexist. For example, a 2005 Guardian article suggested that the Famous Five depicts a power struggle between Julian, Dick and George, with the female characters either acting like boys or being heavily put-upon. Although the issues are more subjective than with some of the racial issues, it has been suggested that a new edition of the book will "address" these issues through alterations, which has led to the expression of nostalgia for the books and their lack of political correctness. In the Secret Seven books, the girls are deliberately excluded from tasks such as investigating the villains' hideouts — in Go Ahead, Secret Seven, it is directly stated "'Certainly not,' said Peter, sounding very grown-up all of a sudden. 'This is a man's job, exploring that coal-hole'". In the Famous Five this is less often the case, but in Five on a Hike Together, Julian gives similar orders to George: "You may look like a boy and behave like a boy, but you're a girl all the same. And like it or not, girls have got to be taken care of."

Friday, 26 March 2010

Friday, 19 March 2010

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

A Blogger from 6 BC

Once upon a time Hermes was driving all over the world with a cart stuffed with falsehoods, wickedness and deceit, distributing a little of his load in each country. But when he came to the land of the Arabs, it is said, the cart suddenly broke into pieces, and the inhabitants plundered its contents as if they were valuable merchandise, so that there was nothing left for hermes to carry elsewhere.

The moral of the story is.... The Arabs are the greatest liars and deceivers on earth. Thier tongues know not the truth.
(Aesop 6 BC)

Thursday, 11 March 2010

My little piece of britain

My name is Robert Weale,

I've lived in Cradley Heath all my life, and I love this tiny piece of Britain, within a few minutes walk I can be lost in the peacefulness of the open countryside, like my dad used to do, or be enclosed in the warmth of one of our ever diminishing Public Houses, like my Granddad used to do, although i'll admit it's been a while since i did either

There are questions I keep asking myself.... Where has the community spirit gone? Where has our big industry gone where whole families and communtities worked in the same factories, wharehouses and mines etc? People don't feel safe the way we did 30 years ago, why ? These are just three questions I ask myself daily, I have many more and I'm sure lot's of you have similar ones. I'm currently on my way to try and answer some of these questions and hopefully to actually try to answer some of them, but I need your help.

Over the next 2 months you will be getting all kinds of leaflets from one Political party or another, I'd just like to ask that before you bin them there's one in particular that may be of some use to you, so when it appears on your carpet please take a few minutes to glance through it you may be pleasantly surprised that it's not actually filled with the vile things that most of the press say is associated with this party. The party I refer to is the British National Party, I'll be standing in the Cradley Heath and Foxcote ward this coming election, maybe we can eventually make some common sense decisions, and put the people who live in our world, in a position to answer and act on some of our questions.

Yours Truely Mr Robert Weale.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

The Plight Of the immigrant

This happened last year,
More than 200 African migrants are feared dead after their boat capsized off the coast of Libya.
Authorities said there were 20 confirmed deaths with another 200 people missing four days after the accident.
The boat, which a Libyan police official said had a capacity of just 50, overturned Friday in high winds with about 250 on board.

Read more:

This is what they face,

"Many of the children on the boats from Libya had been forced to travel thousands of miles, often alone, to escape conflict and poverty in countries such as Somalia, Eritrea and Nigeria.
"In ten months we received over 2,000 children entitled to receive protection in Italy. They were often exhausted, hungry, severely dehydrated and terrified after the journey. Many children have recounted harrowing stories, of rape and of having to see dead family members thrown out of the boat.

"Many of the child migrants had been locked up in adult detention centres before boarding the boats for Italy, and we are afraid they may be returned there when they arrive in Libya. Conditions are notoriously bad. Human rights organisations have persistently reported allegations of torture and ill-treatment at the centres in a country which has not signed the Geneva Refugee Convention."

Actually what Nick said was a more humane way of preventing death by stopping this discusting people trafficking market. When you actually think about it in a historical context this statement could actually be used to either vilify or champion the BNP, as has been done. So here we have an argument did he say this, or did he mean that? we all would like to speculate what went on in the minds of our great leaders in the past, however, this will not solve the proplems we face in the present, if people want to call the BNP fascists then let them, in my opinion the word fascist is another one of those politics words like racist, holocaust etc which are frequently used to disarm and nullify this type of debate.

This is actually a comment i made on the democracy forum i felt it would be a good post.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Email to Martin Samuels

Dear Mr Samuel,

I must say i read your articles with great anticipation, your sports columns especially are very informative and sometimes amusing. It's a shame that your association with the NUJ dictates what you may report on. I refer to the NUJs policy of Reporting the BNP.

A journalist:

strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair.
I'd like to challenge you about your column today concerning myself, infact not one bit of it is honest, accurate or fair. I'm not a wealthy man I work a 38 hour week for an independent windscreen company, but I find I'm still earning the same money as I was when I was 20, lack of overtime is the problem.
I have no criminal convictions and I've nursed my late partner who had an illness called Multiple Sclerosis, saving the government thousands of pounds in care costs, my partner finally succumbed to her illness and died of peritinitus, due to a burst apendix, she was a resident of a very good nursing home when she died, but as she was catatonic she could not let anyone know if she was in any pain.
I asked for her to be taken into care because she was on so many drugs that i didnt feel i was qualified to care for her, it is because of her illness that i hold the NHS in contempt and i have seen many unqualified doctors using this establishment as a stepping stone to a lucrative career. My partner was herself a victim of malpractice but i won't go into this now but i would be willing to if you so wish.
I very rarely take a drink, as i'm a smoker and i feel it is wrong that the present Government tell us what is good or bad for us resulting in bans and suspensions, which i believe infringes upon my freedom of speech and expression. I have been raised to keep out of trouble, and I believe my moral conduct is without question, I detest swearing especially in the young and I'm quick to admonish anyone who swears around my grandchildren.
I am also a member of the British National Party i have attended the Red White and Blue, and seen with my own eyes who the real kuckleheads are i refer to the UAF. i have attended many functions in boozers because the establishment won't allow us a club like LibLabCon.
Let me ask you a question if I turned up to a function of yours dressed in a suit wearing a BNP tie and my membership badges would I be welcomed or ejected from the premises ?
Because your fellow jounalist has been indoctrinated the same as yourself in how to report about the BNP we were within our rights to eject him from any meeting.
It really saddens me that you have a one track mind concerning the BNP, all the people i have met are down to earth people with everyday worries and concerns, but these people arent afraid to try to do something about it.
In my opinion i think that you are afraid of the consequences if there is a significant change in government, because of the sweeping changes that would ensue, changes i believe are needed to save this once great country.
Iwas relunctant to write the email because i think you will not be impressed by a common man seeking a better future for his country, but then not everyone thinks alike else we'd most likely be living in a Comunist country.

Thanks Rob Weale.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

This is what we are up Against !

I was recently looking through some past publications on the Parliament website i came across these , you have probably seen them before but i feel they may need bumping to show people what methods the government use to SPY on other parties :

and an al taqiyya one

I find this extremely disturbing.

However i did find this one interesting even amusing :

Monday, 8 February 2010

BNP Champions of Diversity

I have just been privileged to listen to an enlightening speech by Arthur Kemp, a truly great orator.

For an hour the heads and the minds of the Black Country faithful were filled with a VISION of what Great Britain would be like with the BNP in power.

An enlightening introduction into the marvelous world of genetics explaining once and for all that Britain has an Indiginous population of almost 80%, and we've been here since before the Aboriginies, the Incas and the Newzealand Maoris populated their part of the world, a fact which the traitors of the LibLabConUkip conspired to deny us. A fact which can be legally proved and which alows us legally as an indiginous population to use any means to protect our culture and diversity.

Explaining that if the current trend of multiculturism continues then there will be no cultures or diversity, it will be all mixed up together, and swallowed up in a third world ivasion. BNP are not the racists they are the Champions of diversity, there is no place for hate in the BNP, other cultures should promote their diversity and cultures but in their own part of the world.

A free Britain, a Britain self sustaining, a Britain self educating and a Britain that would be great again is what Mr Arthur Kemp potrayed and i for one would like nothing better than to live in it, safe in the knowledge that my prodigeny and my childrens prodigeny would grow up without fear of being colonised or invaded.

An alltogether enlightening experience, i wish you could all have been there.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

The forgotten generation

Ted is in his mid thirties, he lives with a single mum of four, they aren't in a relationship he's just a mate, Ted has had a topsy turvy life having offended when a youth and spending some time in prison. He has children by two other women and he tries to find employment and a place to live but the cards are stacked against him. He comes across as a lost soul, not knowing what his future holds, and a sense of despair eminates from his being. The system has this man in its loop offering him training schemes, so that quango's can be employed. He finds it dificult to acquire council accomodation for some reason it seems he doesnt understand the new bidding system which is in place for all council properties.
Half a century ago this man would never have found himself in this situation, he would be enfolded in the family enclave, the community he lived in would have cared for his education and his employment would have been in little doubt, crime was almost non existant and life altogether was fine and pleasant.
How things change in such a short time, this man has no prospects, he is forgotten, he is also white and English.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

I should have been a prophet !

Some time last year i wrote what i thought was just a theory,

The part that i would like to point out is this :

" Have our top brass had the wool pulled over their eyes, or will our armed forces meld into the UN's Disaster Prevention Army, with a few fat and wealthy decorated Generals, all that is left of the once great British Army ? "

The proposed green paper by the Traitor bob Ainsworth is proof that my theories may have some credence (In probability theory, credence means a subjective estimate of probability, as in Bayesian probability. It is now clear that the intentions of the traitors in power are,

" Outlining a Green Paper on military reform, he said "further integration" with key allies may be needed."

I feel for our lads and lasses who've been duped into invading foriegn countries so that the elite can prosper. They are dieing and bleeding so that a select few can benefit, they are laying down their lives for the few not the many.
I wonder if any new recruit who is signing up for the armed forces now still swears fealty to Queen and country, or do they swear fealty to EU and the Global Elite ? Because they are not protecting my interests and my interests are this island of ours not some far away land that i have no desire or inclination to care a stuff about.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

The Minimum Wage good or bad ?

Who decides on the level of the national minimum wage?

Ultimately it's the government. They receive a recommendation from the Low Pay Commission about the level of the national minimum wage, and decide on whether the recommendations should be implemented or not.

It has raised the living standards of the lowest paid, and helped close the gap between men and women's pay.

this article claims to be Unisons championing the low paid they are patting themselves on the back for getting the NMW raised by a massive 7p.

In my opinion this figure is being used by Companies all over the country to gauge what the wage is that they can compete with. I.e they can pay illegals anything upto this amount before employing the millions of unemployed who expect to be paid this amount. I know that this is illegal, but as in the Baroness Scotland fiasco checks are very rarely made and employers are not prosecuted to the letter of the law.

To introduce a minimum wage means that all the unemployed people are open to be discriminated against by all illegals looking for work, and employers seeking to get the lowest paid workforce.In fact it is probably used as a gauge all over the world to which other countries can undercut our manufacturing base.

*An example of this could be:
A UK electrician could be commanding a £20 an hour job.
A Polish Electrician can take a wage above the minimum wage say £10 an hour.

The Polish worker would be entitled to claim child benefit for any children they have, and would most likely share accomodation with 10 others sleeping in shifts etc.

The companies Employing the foreign workers can undercut the UK workers and ship in their own employees to do the jobs. This is wrong and is discriminating against the UK worker whos cost of living is higher.

* I have to confess this was a bit of info given by Bertie bert on our Paltalk discussion.

Monday, 11 January 2010

When did our Monarchy lose it's head?

When was our country deprived of Its most powerful figure, when exactly did our government politically behead our queen ?

After doing some research I think I now know.

a constitutional monarchy

In Britain, the Glorious Revolution of 1688 led to a constitutional monarchy restricted by laws such as the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Act of Settlement 1701, although limits on the power of the monarch ('A Limited Monarchy') are much older than that (see Magna Carta).

I've been wondering of late wether this situation could be reversed, i've been hoping that our future Monarchs' service with the armed forces may be an elaborate plan for him to get to know his generals, and to seek their views on the current form of government. Wether Britains shot in the arm maybe to revert to a Monarchist rule with the PM and government answerable to his will.

Has the Blueblood been watered down so much, that the peoples fate is no longer a concern for our current Royalty, will the seizing back of power ever be achievable by a single person?

I'll tell you this if he called for it I would follow.

Black Country Patriot: Have a chat with us.

Black Country Patriot: Have a chat with us.