Saturday, 1 May 2010

Comments about BNP

I find it funny ,that the more the powers that be, try to ignore and push them into the background the more pro comments I see.Having taken the time to read the B.N.P. Manifesto it's obvious to anyone that they are the ONLY party to actually listen to the worries and insecurities of the British population and come out and say what they intend doing about it.I have never,not once,ever,heard a direct response from any of the other parties when a question relating to immigration was put to them, digression being the name of the game.Well SKY are you going to print this or do your usual with my comments and bin it?.

Typical Sky, You try and rubbish the B N P by any means possible. After Nick told you that the B N P had identified £200bn. Why didn’t you ask him where these cuts were coming from? Why didn’t you ask him how much the B N P is going to give pensioners? I’ll tell you £150 per week. Why don’t you report the good things in the manifesto which there are many? Because you don’t want the public to know all the good things that the B N P stand for and want to do for the genuine British workers and tax payers of this country. Nick gave an answer which made your reporter look like an idiot. You’re no better than the Daily Mirror sending out hate campaign leaflets.

Posted by: The Heretic on May 1, 2010 11:53 AMWhen asked about immigration, the leaders of the "main 3" didn't have the guts to admit that THEY were at a loss with no idea of the size of the problem, instead they gave pawltry excuses along with a switch on subject............each and every time. Nick Griffin was honest at least and with a little bit of negative tweaking from the media, once again demonised. I shall be voting for the BNP on Thursday (purely in protest) and I have come to this decision as I am not prepared to squander my vote on one of the three main candidates each of whom dare barely utter the word "immigration". If this makes me a bigotted racist then fine by me.

these are just some of the Pro BNP comments I hear everyday, time for some people to wake up and see who tells it how it is.

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